Roláky určitě kombinujte s vestami, protože to vypadá naprosto skvěle.
PS: Neříkejte mojí mamce, že jsem tu psala, že se mi líbí roláky :D. Vždycky jsem jí říkala ať je nenosí, že to je hrozný a tak. Takže teď by se mi pěkně vysmála :D Pšššš
Turtlenecks rules autumn and winter for last couple of seasons. They are comfortable, practical and look pretty good (almost always). I don't have any but this year I definitely have to fix it, because I want it for a long time. Then I'm usually just quietly jealous when I see some friend in amazing turtleneck, which is perfectly matching with her outfit. I prefer sweater turtlenecks instead of T-shirts, because it looks more cosy.
The best choice is in my opinion combine turtlenecks with vests, because it looks amazing.
PS: Don't tell my mum that I write here that I like turtlenecks :D I always said to her that se shouldn't wear it, that it is horrible etc. So now she will make a lot of jokes of me :D Shhhh
Nosíte roláky? Jaký typ se vám líbí nejvíc?
Sledujte mě na Instagramu a Snapchatu: caroline_daisy7
Do you wear turtlenecks? What is your favorite type?
Follow my Instagram and Snapchat: caroline_daisy7
nepáčili sa mi roláky, no akosi som im už prišla na chuť, ale zatiaľ ešte žiadny nemám :)
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